More designs to keep you fingers busy with painting or appliqué and of course quilting.
There are 10 Danish Delight designs. 5 set in a square and 5 set in a circle. I suggest you create all 10 blocks and then decide if you would like to arrange them 5 square with 4 circle in a 9 patch or the opposite with 5 circles and 4 squares. Use the remaining block as the label or as a pocket for a bag or a cushion or the feature of a new project such as a table runner.
These designs are based on some of my favourite pieces of silver jewellery from Danish silversmiths from 1930s and 40s. A couple of the jewellery pieces I own and the rest I can only dream of.
The samples you see in these photos have been brought to life by members of my Creative Team, Thea Rijkhoff of Canada and Lyn Keogh of Canberra. Thank you Ladies. X